Thinking about buying a house or apartment off the plan?
Buying real estate ‘off the plan’ means committing to buying a property that hasn’t been built. For example, buying a vacant residential lots that needs to be subdivided from a larger parcel of land or buying a unit prior to the unit being built or the land subdivided. The seller and the buyer will enter into a contract whereby the owner must subdivide the land and if applicable, construct the units, within a set time frame. If the owner achieves registration of the subdivision and completion of the building works by the due date as prescribed by the contract, then the parties will settle.
There are significant benefits for purchasers when buying off the plan e.g., stamp duty concessions and locking in a price. However, there are also risks that should be carefully consider.
Please contact us at or on 5303 0281, if you would like advice on an off-the-plan contract or are proposing to sell off the plan.
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